

Esta es la tercera vez que escribo este post en la última semana y algo. Lo perdí dos veces porque lo estaba escribiendo desde el shortcut del iGoogle y en algún error de dedo multitaskeador, pues, diría Shamán, "se chispó". Y lo estaba escribiendo en el iGoogle porque otra vez tengo paranoia de escribir desde el trabajo. De que se sepa esto del bló. En fin. Whatever. Si me acuerdo bien de mis intentos previos, el post decía maumenos así:

Si tuviera un diario de verdad. O si fuera una diarista disciplinada, o si el Moleskine rojo tuviera más usuo que el que le he dado desde que entró en funciones el 1 de enero de 2009, entonces en la entrada del martes 10 de febrero diría así:

Woke up before six. Braided hair, took a sip of orange, pineapple, carrot juice, put on yoga outfit. Forgot to wash face. Picked up upstairs neighbor. Upstairs neighbors missed wake up call. Waited. Drove off to do sun salutations despite sun not yet fully out. Studio was nearly empty. Instructor had weird no-mirror policy. Stretched. Breathed. Relaxed. Drove back. Switched coffee maker on. Showered. Picked out clothes for afternoon gig. Dressed in outfit that turned out to be too spring season for February. Had no time to change. Rushed off to work. Called mother during commute. Cursed traffic. Taught class. Intimidated students about afternoon event. Held office hours. Graded like crazy. Spoke to colleague. Neglected to respond to emails, but read them all. Called guest speaker with last minute directions for afternoon event. Had lunch in twenty minutes. Brushed teeth. Reapplied makeup. Brewed coffee. Waited for guest speaker. Offered guest speaker coffee, who instead wanted water. Ran off to find bottled water. Fetched one from principal's office. Secretary friend didn't seem happy. Small talk with guest speaker. Escorted him to venue. Calmed students down. Announced speaker. Paced the room trying to keep all ninety monsters in line. Flashed Looks to unruly students. Thanked guest speaker. Dismissed session. Answered endless students' questions. Guest speaker wouldn't leave. Worried about hour. Packed up stuff. Left office. Called producer friend and apologized about tardiness. Drove off to downtown. Cursed traffic. Texted producer friend about exact location of filming site. Got lost. Stopped a cab and asked for directions to filming site, which was run down, crappy hotel. Cab driver judged me. Gave me look. Directed me to crappy hotel. Arrived. Hugged producer friend. Had trouble parking.Parked. Had hair and face done. Waited. Wrote mental notes for overdue text. Fiddled with iPhone. Gossiped. Smoked a cigarette. Fooled around with cousin/upstairs neighbor. Was called by director. Marched upstairs crappy hotel. Stood up. Moved a bit to the right. A bit to the left. Took a step forward. Was told to stand still. Stood still. Asked producer-onlooker friend for a cigarete. Producer-onlooker friend produced one (he knows his trade) and took pictures. Director tought cigarette was part of the act. Approved. Was made to smoke three cigarettes in three minutes. Managed to blow smoke to the camera in the appropriate way and was dismissed. Put clothes back on. Dropped cousin at her parkin spot. Drove back home. Almost puked on the drive home. Arrived, dizzy. Sat down. Puked. Lay down for a bit. Ordered chinese with cousin/upstairs neighbor. Had dinner. Felt better. Wrote down one exam. Then another. Decided they were allright for the next day. Went to sleep.

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